Ahshar (happy) yarach chaadash (new moon), wa chaadash (and new month), wa shanah chaadash (new year)!
Happy New Moon, Month and YEAR! Welcome to another month and year! Praise Ahba YAHAWAH for His everlasting mercies that has kept us this far. That's right, today we celebrate and recognize the new moon, the new month of Abib and the new Ibarya (Hebrew) year! It has been quite some time since I've made a post on my website but I think that the timing of my return couldn't be any better.
As we enter the first month of the year, we are also approaching Passover. All of the feasts of YAHAWAH are important and with great importance that all point back to the Messiah, YAHAWASHI, Himself. Passover is one of my favorite feasts days to chaagag (chagag) or celebrate. It is the time that we remember and memorialize our ancestors great and miraculous deliverance out of the land of Egypt by the mighty hand of YAHAWAH. We also remember when He "passed over" the houses of the obedient that had the blood of the lamb on the doorpost sparing their firstborn from death.
But we also meditate on the death and resurrection of the Messiah. The Messiah YAHAWASHI became the sacrificial lamb for the split nation of Israel (Northern Kingdom of Israel and Southern Kingdom of Judah). He became the ultimate sacrifice and/or sin offering for us to remove our sins forever and rejoin us together as One Nation. He did this because He remembered His covenant with our forefather Abraham that He would make a covenant with all of the seed of Abraham that came from the Promised Child, Isaac and the Chosen Child Jacob (Genesis 12:1-3 KJV / Genesis 17:19,21 KJV / Genesis 35:10-12 KJV). Because of His death, we no longer have to offer the blood of bulls, goats and rams as atonement for our sins (Hebrews 9:11-15 / Hebrews 10 KJV).
In our Book (Exodus 12, 13 & Leviticus 23 KJV), we are instructed by the Father how to prepare the Passover lamb. We are to get a male lamb; pure, without spot or blemish in the first year of life, on the tenth day of the first month and keep it until the fourteenth day (Passover day). We are to kill him without strangulation and place his blood along our door posts with the leaves of the hyssop plant. We are not to break any bones in his body and we shall eat it all in the night, not leaving any until the morning. (Note: the number 14 is the number of deliverance and the hyssop plant is a plant used for ceremonially purification purposes).
When the Messiah was crucified, He was handled in this same manner. He was crucified on Passover, He was not strangled or hung on a tree - lynched - as some have suggested but rather He was hung on a tree by being nailed in His hands/wrists and feet. He was free of sin, without any spot, wrinkle or blemish. His blood was shed for the remission of sins, covering all of Israel and any of the repentant Gentiles that believe in Him. Not one of His bones were broken and He was removed from the cross before the sunset that same day and placed in the tomb. Glory to YAHAWASHI for His death and resurrection for Israel!
The other feasts of YAHAWAH also point to the Most High in some way as well. The feast of Unleavened Bread symbolizes the removing of our sins. The feast of Firstfruits has been linked to the Rapturing of the saints in the earth; removing the harvest when the time is ripe (More Rapture Scriptures: Isaiah 27:13 KJV, Zechariah 9:14 KJV, Joel 3:13 KJV, Matthew 24:31,38-42 KJV, Mark 4:29 KJV, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 KJV, Revelation 14:14-16 KJV). The feast of Weeks has been said to reference Him bringing us through the wilderness experiences in times past and times to come (Ezekiel 20:33-38 KJV, Matthew 24:15-16 KJV). The Day of Pentecost marks Him keeping His promise of sending the Holy Spirit or the Rawach Qadash to give us power and to keep us in all things and in the Way of truth after His ascension back into Heaven. The Feast of Trumpets foreshadows His return to the earth when He shall sound the trumpet. The Day of Atonement symbolizes our renewed state of oneness, reconciliation, harmony and peace with Him, free from sin. And the Feast of Tabernacles foreshadows the day when all nations of the earth along with Israel will come to Jerusalem to worship YAHAWAH (Zechariah 14:16-21 KJV).
As we come into the New Year with the start of the Feasts Days approaching, let us be mindful that when we keep these feasts, we aren't just doing it because it is a custom in Israel or because we feel that it "makes us Israel" by doing so. Let us be more mindful, purposeful and intentional, meditating on the reasons for what they really truly mean for us, our salvation and relationship with the Father.
For more information on the reconciliation of the Nation of Israel purchase my book: "Who Did The Apostle Paul Go To? Gentiles or Israelites?" - scroll down the page.
For more information on the Wilderness experiences still yet to come, purchase my book: "Where Is The Wilderness for The Israelites During the Time of The Tribulation?"
For more information on the Feast Days, purchase my book: "Israel's Holy Feast Days of the Most High" - scroll down the page.