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Finding Your Path In Life

Believe it or not, everyone was created for a purpose and with a purpose; figuring out exactly what that is is the tricky part. The easiest and quickest place to start is by paying attention to your interests. Do you love to sing, dance, paint or cook? Are you good in sports? Do you excel in reading, or academia? Are you fascinated by the stars above or the dirt below? Really pay attention to the things that you are naturally drawn to. Sometimes, those interests can seem very far away and totally unrelated! For me, reading and writing comes second nature. I also am very much interested in my ancestral history and genealogy but I also love art and painting and children! How do you bring all of those things together to live out a life long dream and purpose filled life?

Lets look at what the Most High told the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV reads, "For I know the thoughts [ideas] that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts [ideas] of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jeremiah 1:5 KJV reads, "Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained the a prophet unto the nations." These scriptures aren't given in numerical order for a reason. Everything that happens first begins as a thought or an idea. Before you have your breakfast, you first think about what you want to eat. Before, you get dressed in the morning, you first think about what you want to wear. God told Jeremiah and us in His Word that, He knows the ideas that He has for us. Before He actually created us, He already thought about what He wanted in us! Praise God! That is amazing and truly proves that He has a purpose for us! He already had a certain way He wanted to fashion us to look, the interests and talents he wanted us to have and the personality type we needed. Once He had all of that in mind [idea], He then knitted us together in our mother's womb.

Once you have a clear understanding of all of the precious jewels and hidden talents that you were created with, it's now time to bring them to the surface for others to see and enjoy. Take some time to pray to God for understanding on just how to use your talents in a way that glorifies the Most High and edifies the body of Christ and ultimately the world. No gift or talent is too small. Often times, the society that we live in tells us that we have to participate in some kind of "rat-race" to the top to gain all of the wealth, fame and notoriety that we can. That in order to make a difference or be successful you have to be well known, have a ton of friends in your circle and be as rich as you can be. Although those things can help aid, they are not the only path.

Teachers, community and religious leaders have the most important jobs within our communities and often times they are the least known and the least paid. In God's commonwealth Kingdom, everything and everyone affects everything and everyone. From the top starting with our government officials, down to our landscapers, janitorial staff and children - everything needs each piece of the puzzle to continue functioning properly. For an even broader perspective, let's look at the worker ant. The Almighty created this world that we live in starting with Adam and Eve; however, He also included one of the smallest life sources on the planet, the ant. Some might ask, 'what good is an ant?' They help keep the environment clean! According to one source, ants help the environment by helping decompose by feeding on organic waste, insects and dead animals.

So you see, nothing that was created was created in vain void of purpose. So whether your gift is to open a business and employ hundreds of people or whether your gift is simply to visit a local orphanage once a week to read and spend time with the orphans there, get out and get busy. Remember, whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men (Col. 3:23 KJV).

Shalam & Blessings



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